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The Calibre Auto-Waivers tool provides automated recognition and removal of waived design rule violations in external IP, eliminating redundant error debugging while ensuring that all waived errors are properly identified during full-chip verification.
Design rule waivers negotiated between intellectual property (IP) designers and foundries are rarely transferred to IP customers in a consistent manner, or in a format that allows for easy identification of the waived errors during DRC of the integrated design. Consequently, waived IP errors often reappear at the full chip level, indistinguishable from other DRC violations.

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Features and Benefits

  • Accurately identifies waived design rule violations in IP blocks regardless of hierarchical interactions
  • Implements waiver management automatically during the Calibre nmDRC run without modifying golden rule file
  • Uses a single layer for waiver identification, regardless of the number of checks with waived violations
  • Reports all real errors, waived results and unused waiver markers for bookkeeping
  • Uses pattern matching to provide acceptable margin of difference between a waiver marker and a top-level result
  • Eliminates redundant error debugging
  • Eliminates need to re-negotiate design rule violations in IP
  • Ensures accuracy and consistency in waiver processing
  • Provides standardized recording and tracking of waiver information for historical analysis across designs and processes
  • Leverages existing Calibre DRC rule files and Calibre RVE™ ASCII results