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The Calibre Interactive interface is the invocation GUI for Calibre DRC, LVS, PERC™, DFM and xRC/xACT tools for physical verification, circuit verification, and parasitic extraction. It’s easily accessed from the menu bar within most layout design environments. The Calibre Interactive GUI also gives users access to the Calibre RVE interface, the robust and easy-to-use results viewing environment.

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Features and Benefits:

  • Universal integration with layout and schematic environments
  • Minimizes training and support overhead
  • Provides a single, consistent interface to launch Calibre jobs across all your design tools
  • Personal CAD engineer
  • GUI provides infrastructure to set up and manage configurations without writing custom code
  • Runset options
  • Capture set-up for Calibre jobs in a single file, simplifying set-up maintenance and reproducibility
  • Flexibility to customize the GUI for greater control over settings used in Calibre physical and circuit verification jobs
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