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Calibre Pattern Matching provides interactive and automated pattern capture, definition, and search that can be used across implementation, verification, and test flows. Pattern matching supplements multi- operational text-based design rule checks with an automated visual geometry capture and compare process. The simplicity of capturing extremely complex geometric relationships with Calibre Pattern Matching enables advanced physical verification and design methodology checks that were previously difficult or operationally impossible to create—enabling designers to deliver higher-performing products with reduced design variability and improved yield.

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Features and benefits:

  • Automated pattern capture via GUI or scripting
  • Specify exact matches or controlled variability
  • Calibre nmPlatform integration:
  • Single rule deck integration with multiple Calibre tools
  • Enables pattern-matching-driven, Calibre signoff-quality analysis, verification, and layout enhancement using a broad range of Calibre and Tessent tools
  • Enables integrated flows to create new applications that solve hard design problems
  • Integrated with P&R to enable pattern-matching-driven implementation with auto-fixing and verification
  • Invoked through existing Calibre integrations with 3rd party design environments
  • • Reduces design variability: enables PV checks that were previously impractical or impossible
  • • Uses a single visual geometry definition to significantly simplify the addition of new, complex, layout specific design rules and new devices